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Introduction Of Sensorial Education

  What Is Mean By Sensorial Education Sensorial comes from the word of sense or senses. Sensorial learning is a teaching approach that stimulates the child's five senses; taste, touch smile sight and hearing. This allows children to use their senses to explore and understand the world around them. It includes activities that help them learn objects, colors, textures, tastes, numbers, and situations. To utilize all the activeness of a child at a level to develop his skills of learning and to enhance the learning ability in the education system consist of different learning mechanisms is developed. This system is known as the sensorial education system. At the age of 3 to 5, the formation of senses activities is directly linked to the intelligence of the child.    Characteristics Of The Sensorial Education. The basic characteristics of education are as follows: Isolation of single property through the single sense. This means that the child is taught to differentiate the O...

Introduction Of Sensorial Education

 What Is Mean By Sensorial Education

Sensorial comes from the word of sense or senses. Sensorial learning is a teaching approach that stimulates the child's five senses; taste, touch smile sight and hearing.

This allows children to use their senses to explore and understand the world around them. It includes activities that help them learn objects, colors, textures, tastes, numbers, and situations.

To utilize all the activeness of a child at a level to develop his skills of learning and to enhance the learning ability in the education system consist of different learning mechanisms is developed. This system is known as the sensorial education system.

At the age of 3 to 5, the formation of senses activities is directly linked to the intelligence of the child. 

 Characteristics Of The Sensorial Education.

The basic characteristics of education are as follows:

Isolation of single property through the single sense.

This means that the child is taught to differentiate the Object using a single sense.

Purposeful activities.

Purposeful use of time, energy, or attention that involves a person's active participation. Purposeful activities often involve the social environment (other people), the physical environment (objects, tools, and materials), and processes that often lead to a product.

Control of error

To practice mind to make a series of actions to reduce the error through a chain of exercises.


Are fixed according to the child's ability. Limits help order and concentration in the minds of the child. They have done object example broad stress because 10 is an indirect aim for mathematics.


The sensorial activities are basic categorized into seven different groups.

  1. Visual.
  2. Tactile.
  3. Baric.
  4. Thermic.
  5. Auditory.
  6. Gustatory.
  7. Stereognostic.

Is a group of exercise has different authorize and impact on the abilities of a child.


It help the child to developed the ability to differentiate between objects.


It enhance and each through the sense of touch. Although "This exercise give to the children limited to the helps tips of the finger and particularly to thought of a right hand".


In this type of learning children learn about pressure and weight.


In this type of exercise the ability of understanding of temperature is refined.


It helps the child to differentiate between different sounds. It also enhance the ability of hearing.


It helps the child to differentiate between the test.


It helps the child learn to recognised through feel.


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